Additional Positive COVID Cases Found in Outbreak Testing


Dear Family and Friends of Thief River Care Center,

As a result of the outbreak testing we completed on Monday for residents and staff, today we were notified of two additional cases of Covid-19 in residents, making a total of 4 residents at TRCC with Covid and one staff person.

While we have been completing the outbreak testing, our county positivity rate moved into the red (Meaning greater than a 10% infection rate in Pennington County) and we must continue testing twice per week, outbreak or not, as a result of this increased rate.   Thursday August 26 and Monday August 30th we will continue outbreak testing for both residents and staff. 

West pod residents are still quarantined through September 6, or longer if there are any symptoms present.   

The facility remains on lock down through the remainder of the Outbreak testing, through at least next Wednesday, September 1st.   No visitors will be permitted inside the facility through at least Wednesday September 1st until results are in hand from previous two tests. Following the receipt of those results, we will make decisions about visitation permissions and what areas may be appropriate for visitation. For residents at end of life, visitations may be granted on a case by case basis.  We will keep you informed of the status and the plans for next week.

We appreciate your patience and we will continue to update resident families using this automated system.  If you would like to be added to the list, or you know someone else you want added to the list, please email your Name, Your resident, your phone # or email address to 


Emily Straw